Keeping track of everything you want to teach your puppy can be hard!

This step-by-step guide makes it easy. It’s curated just for you so you don’t miss a thing.


The Puppy Planner breaks down your steps, measures your progress, & keeps you motivated — even when you’re sleep-deprived!

As with all our resources, we aim to add calm and clarity to an experience that can initially be overwhelming.

a 3d image of the puppy planner, second edition

Who can benefit from The Puppy Planner?

  • You’re getting a puppy and want to be prepared and have good plans.
  • You’ve already brought your puppy home and want step-by-step guidance for training and problem solving.
  • You’re taking puppy classes and want support and inspiration between classes.

What you get to help you raise your Ultimate Puppy Start Here from Puppy to Dream Dog
easy training plan page sample

Easy training plans

House training (without the headache!) 

Settle in a crate 

A daily schedule for your puppy

How to socialize a puppy

…and more!

puppy must-haves! sample of the find it game

Puppy must-haves!

Fun activities and games – with benefits 

(think exercise, mental stimulation)

Managing and preventing pesky puppy problems like biting and grabbing off-limit items.

checklists and troubleshooting guides. socialization checklist worksheet

Checklists and troubleshooting guides

Bathroom training record keeping

Puppy biting

Pre-puppy house-proofing

Equipment shopping list


Puppy training schedule 

New puppy checklists printable PDF

Everything is included!


We love the great resources we are able to provide new puppy owners through Ultimate Puppy! If you want a resource for clients that encompasses all of puppy training, this is a go-to.”

-- -- Somerset Animal Hospital
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