Skedaddle is both a fun game and a handy exit strategy for you and your puppy when you need one. There will be times when the environment is too much for your puppy. Perhaps too exciting or there‘s something that makes them appear uncomfortable. This is where Skedaddle comes in. When you find yourselves in a sticky situation you can easily create distance from what or whoever you need to. From that point, with a more comfortable mindset, you can decide your next move.
There‘s great value in teaching a solid exit plan. Pair it with yummy treats, and happy chatter, and get your repetitions in.
How to teach Skedaddle
The goal is when your pup hears the cue Skedaddle, they understand that both of you are quickly moving away from whatever you need to get away from (a person, sound, activity, another dog, etc.) There needs to be lots of good feelings associated with the word and the behavior of skedaddling.
- Say Skedaddale and immediately feed a treat (or a different intuitive word). This word will come to mean, ‘let’s get outta here!‘ Repeat 5 times.
- Say Skedaddle and move a few steps, feed a treat when your pup catches up. Repeat 5 times.
- Say Skedaddle and move 10 feet, feed a treat when your pup catches up. Repeat 5 times.
How to practice
Practice with no distractions.
Practice around an easy distraction. Anything your puppy sees and is comfortable with, and not too excited about.
Practice around harder distractions. This could be someone your puppy is eager to visit with. Or enticing action, such as kids playing.
When to use it
Use Skedaddle when your pup appears uncomfortable with someone or something.
When your puppy is bouncy and bitey with someone they are meeting or another dog or cat.
When you need space from something to catch your breath and regroup.
Refine it!
Add a lie-down and settle here behavior. Skedaddle to a crate or safe spot to ride out storms, fireworks, Halloween, kids, tradespeople, or any guest you may not want your dog around.

Resources For You!
Get your FREE Skedaddle training plan here.
For more on Skedaddle and a complete game plan for raising a socially healthy puppy be sure to check out our new book Puppy Socialization 2.0