Whether you are a professional designing your puppy program or someone who’s just brought a new puppy home you’ll find our step-by-step puppy training plan based on Ultimate Puppy helpful. It keeps you focused on the key aspects of raising a puppy so you don’t miss a thing.
If you’ve just got a puppy and plan to use our week-by-week puppy training curriculum, please be aware that it is not a substitute for your attendance in a well-run puppy class. There are plenty of studies that indicate the positive effects on dogs who attend puppy classes compared to those who do not. A good puppy class can help you achieve success. We wish you the best of luck with your new pup.
A NEW Puppy Plan Option
For those of you who would prefer to use a print version to plan your puppy training and progress, check out our Puppy Planner(and journal)! Our Planner helps keep the whole family on track and on the same page.
Inside this engaging Planner, readers will find:
• Pre-Puppy Checklist
• What to Include in a Balanced Day
• Illustrated Puppy Games
• Managing Puppy Biting – Checklist
• Potty training record keeping
• Best toys to get for your puppy
• Equipment shopping list
• Socialization Checklist