Certification for Dog Trainers

The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers certification program is the first national certification for
dog trainers. In order to qualify the following criteria must be met: 1. At least 300 hours experience in dog training
within the last five years. Two hundred twenty-five (225) hours or 75% of experience must be actual teaching hours (group
class, private lessons) as a ‘Head Trainer’ or Instructor. Seventy-five (75) hours or 25% of experience can be in other
related areas such as working with shelter animals, assisting in classes, working as a veterinarian technician or grooming
(bather position not applicable). 2. A high school diploma or equivalent. 3. One reference from each of the following:
Veterinarian, Client, and Colleague. 4. Completion and filing of an Application for the
Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers. All certified trainers must earn continuing education credits
to keep their designations, or take the examination again in three years.