Author Archives for Sydney

Dogs will be Dogs

I have a challenge for you. For one day I want you to observe your dog, play with your dog, and work with your dog without judgment! I have a vivid childhood memory of being at my Grandparent’s place. We were celebrating a birthday for my younger sister in their beautiful back garden. My Sis… View Article

Walk This Way

Picture an ape swinging from the jungle canopy making her way from point A to point B. A pod of dolphins leaping skyward out of the water and then splashing back in again, a frog hopping or swimming through a pond. How each of these animals moves on the earth is different. Swimming, swinging, slithering,… View Article

Musings from a Recall Warrior

I live in a busy city with many things competing with me for my dog’s attention. I need to be on my game and engage my dog giving her good reason to check in with me. Enter The Recall Warrior. I practice calling my dog multiple times everyday. On the sidewalk, parks, in the house… View Article

The Art of Reward

It’s a hot, sunny, summer day at the beach. Not a cloud in the sky. The waves gently lap the shore, gulls call to each other. The sun is beating on you and you’re thirsty. You’re waiting for your friend. Finally you see them walking down the beach carrying a gift bag. “Sorry I’m late!”… View Article

Decoding Your Puppy Raising Priorities

Congratulations on your new puppy! This little critter is soaking up his environment and everything you have on offer to teach. Are you set with a good game plan for these coming early weeks? Have you done your homework? Are you prepared with your lessons and a good puppy coach? Do you have all the… View Article

Barking Basics

Puppies bark. The problem isn’t that they bark, the issues arise from how we deal with the barking. Learning some barking basics can help prevent or respond appropriately if you need to . Thankfully more breeders are starting to do some great early work with their pups. This means that the first time the puppy… View Article

Training Your Puppy in New Places

A thoughtful connection between you and your puppy will take time to cultivate and will require patience and consistency. Set an intention to create such a relationship, its worth should not be underestimated. You want to create a connection so that your dog is interested in you! As with anything worthwhile, when you put in… View Article

Finding the Balance on Leash

Four thousand three hundred and eighty hours. These are the number of hours you and your dog will spend together on leash if you were to spend approximately one hour a day on leash for twelve years, give or take a little. Of course I’m pulling these numbers out of a hat. Some dogs will… View Article

Taking it on the Road!

Taking a puppy Taking a puppy on an outing requires preparation – set yourself up with a knapsack, ideal because it’s hands-free. Pack extra treats and don’t forget the toys!! Fill a thermos with water and bring a collapsible water dish.  The long line allows room for your pup to run, but with insurance. Don’t… View Article