Author Archives for Sydney

Minding Your Pees and Poos

Hmmm, What came first, the chicken or the egg? When you learn to toss a ball in the air you also learn to catch it. They go together the same way confinement training (a safe spot for naps, resting, and preventing unwanted behavior) and bathroom training go hand in hand. You teach them simultaneously. The… View Article

The Benefits of Working With A Dog Trainer

Shouts from the rooftops ring out across the land. We’re getting a puppy! Exciting times to be sure. The time to call the dog trainer is before the new addition comes home. A good coach will help you be ready and thinking about the right things to focus on from day one. Many dog trainers… View Article

5 Ways You May Be Stressing Out Your Puppy

1. Not providing enough structure. Structure in the form of a crate, exercise pen, baby-gate or leash is a must for a new puppy. You can not expect him to make the ‘right’ choices until teaching him what they look like. That is way too much responsibility to pile on a pup. Too much freedom… View Article

Socialization Deconstructed

“I’m So Confused” There is a great deal of confusion surrounding the term socialization and what it means for a puppy. The term comes from the description of specific stages of canine development. A pup goes through two socialization periods. In the primary socialization period they learn how to be a dog, in the human… View Article

3 Simple Games to Play on The Move

Moves on the go! Teach your puppy watch, touch and a rock solid recall and hone these moves as you go on outings together. All of these behaviours have something in common. They reorient the pup back to you. This is helpful for building attention or asking for attention from your dog when you need it…. View Article

Puppy TOYtorial Part 2

six different puppy toy options for enrichment

6 Puppy Toy Choices Behavioural conditioning, choosing the right toy for the right outcome that’s what Puppy TOYtorial Part 2 is all about. Add sophistication to your puppy toy selection and game-playing with these six toy choices. Feel free to print out this handy list. If you want to learn more on this topic you… View Article


A Lesson on the Finer Points of Toys Magic! I pull out ‘red ball’ and my border collie Fen is ‘in the game’. She is ready to work, play or ham it up. Whatever’s on the menu. Sure, dogs love to play. Dogs love to hunt for things, forage, chase, catch and tug. This makes… View Article

7 Things You Might Not Know About Your Dog

Big Plans! New puppy, exciting times! You are now responsible for another creature with an entirely unique agenda that is much different from yours. Whether this is a new puppy, an adolescent or an older dog you are adopting; I’m sure you have some ideas concerning the behavior or your dog and what you want… View Article

Everyday Moves – Life Beyond The Classroom

The more I learn, grow and evolve in my field, the more I dislike the word ‘obedience’. It denotes subordination. Our dogs don’t owe us, if anything we owe them. I think a solid education taught without force and with plenty of positive reinforcement would be a great starting point. Lately I have been calling… View Article

Shut the Front Door!

Front door etiquette for your puppy is an important set of skills to teach early on in the game plan! And no I am not talking that malarkey about your dog having to go out the front door behind you! The doors and large windows in our homes can elicit excitement in a pup. There… View Article