Barking Basics
- By Sydney
- Categories: Prevention
- June 23, 2016
Puppies bark. The problem isn’t that they bark, the issues arise from how we deal with the barking. Learning some barking basics can help prevent or respond appropriately if you need to . Thankfully more breeders are starting to do some great early work with their pups. This means that the first time the puppy… View Article
Training Your Puppy in New Places
- By Sydney
- Categories: Life Skills
- May 6, 2016
A thoughtful connection between you and your puppy will take time to cultivate and will require patience and consistency. Set an intention to create such a relationship, its worth should not be underestimated. You want to create a connection so that your dog is interested in you! As with anything worthwhile, when you put in… View Article
The “Push-Pull” of Tug
- By Peg and Sydney
- Categories: Games
- March 31, 2016
“Tug” was originally printed in the first press run of the Ultimate Puppy Toolkit. For “Throw-Back” Thursdays, here are the original retro photos and the still current “How-To” for this most excellent of games. “Tug” is a wonderful way to relieve puppy tension and excess energy. It also has two great benefits for you –… View Article
Finding the Balance on Leash
- By Sydney
- Categories: Life Skills
- March 3, 2016
Four thousand three hundred and eighty hours. These are the number of hours you and your dog will spend together on leash if you were to spend approximately one hour a day on leash for twelve years, give or take a little. Of course I’m pulling these numbers out of a hat. Some dogs will… View Article
Taking it on the Road!
- By Sydney
- Categories: Life Skills, Dog Toys, Socialization
- April 7, 2015
Taking a puppy Taking a puppy on an outing requires preparation – set yourself up with a knapsack, ideal because it’s hands-free. Pack extra treats and don’t forget the toys!! Fill a thermos with water and bring a collapsible water dish. The long line allows room for your pup to run, but with insurance. Don’t… View Article