Wow! A New Puppy!
This is a great time. You have just brought a new dog into the fold of your family. Even if you live alone, now that you have a warm, breathing four-legged furry critter, you are a team!
Ultimate Puppy is specifically designed to guide you through the critical stages of your puppy’s development. There is a strong emphasis on how to socialize your pup and do preventative-styled exercises. We’ve also provided you with detailed information on how to develop and maintain an effective and healthy relationship. Ultimate Puppy offers all the necessary information, exercises, and games you will need to start raising your puppy properly.
An Awakening

The past two decades have seen an incredible revolution in dog rearing. Considerable change has taken place and it is an exciting time to raise a dog. There is now concrete evidence that investing the right kind of input and guidance in a dog during the first half year of his life has a significant positive impact on the future livelihood of that dog.
Our goal is to bring to light the importance of the first 16 weeks of a dog’s life and to show how you can benefit from investing in the early socialization and rearing of your puppy.
We also take into account that times have changed. Most of us are considerably time-challenged. We address that constraint in two different ways. Ultimate Puppy has been created to allow easy, modular access to all the important training components. It also reflects the specific needs of a dog that is left alone a considerable amount of time. In short, this site is for you and your dog.
Specifically Designed to Socialize Dogs
The concept of socializing dogs has gained momentum. Trainers of guide dogs for the seeing impaired have been using socialization for years. Having a dog that can cope in a complex environment is a crucial component of the success of their program. The guide dog is tested after his socialization period to ensure he has learned how to be a well-behaved citizen before he continues on in the training program. The same holds true for all working dogs.
Dog trainers, veterinarians, breeders, humane societies, and insurance companies alike have begun to recognize the benefit of early puppy socialization and exposure to our complex world.

This training program was specifically designed for folks with new puppies. Once the critical period (See Your Puppy’s Development) of the puppy’s development has passed, it is difficult, if not impossible, to socialize a dog to certain relationships, situations, and stimuli.
The omission of an active socialization program in a puppy’s early life can in some cases mean the difference between the life and death of that dog. Several million dogs are euthanized each year due to behavioural problems. Most of these problems are preventable. This translates to the number one killer of dogs. In other cases, living with a dog that has not been socialized can be a very stressful situation for both the dog and his family.
Simply put, the objective of socializing a puppy is to help him handle all that life may bring his way. When circumstances cause a dog to feel stressed, this can lead to growling and biting. It may cause other anxious behaviors or even health problems for your dog. Through proper socialization, the chances are increased that a dog will do well in any situation.
Prevention Versus Cure: Don’t Wait For Six Months To Roll By!
Preventative training is the key. Avoid troublesome situations, rather than having to do damage control later on. A tiny puppy with no established habits is easier to work with than an adult dog with well-rehersed behaviors you want to change.
This is the time to do preventative exercises. Ensure your dog does not feel the need to guard things, people, and places. It is the time to work with him to make sure he is comfortable being handled and staying home alone.
Make socialization and preventative work your priority!