Can your puppy handle it?
- By Sydney
- Categories: Prevention
- September 24, 2019

My mom has a love affair with Pomeranians. She has had poms for years. She has shown them in both obedience and confirmation and enjoyed the grooming and training required when competing with these lively little dogs. Pomeranians require a lot of brushing and scissoring. Never one comfortable not understanding ‘the details’, (she’s one of… View Article
3 Tips To Take Your Socialization Strategy from Blah to Brilliant
- By Sydney
- Categories: Socialization
- August 6, 2019

What Does It All Mean? It seems like most folks have a vague idea about what socialization is. More people are enrolling in puppy classes and this is a great thing. But what is it really and why does it matter? What does it mean specifically for a new puppy person and the dog now… View Article
Food For Thought
- By Sydney
- Categories: Getting Started, How Dogs Learn, Mindfulness Musings
- July 9, 2019

What Goes With What? If you have dinner parties and get excited about pairing wine with different courses you will appreciate this analogy. To my mind pairing treats with puppy life requires the same consideration. From making a good impression when introducing your pup to the nail trimmers, to a smooth and effective training session,… View Article
6 Tips That Will Help You Calm Your Puppy Down
- By Sydney
- Categories: #Train4Rewards, How Dogs Learn, Prevention
- June 14, 2019

Find The Puppy Om A new puppy does brings lots of fun and excitement. Along with that adorable bundle of joy also comes their natural puppy behaviors that can quickly get overwhelming for folks without a game plan and some know-how. Do you have a new puppy? Are you struggling with your puppy biting,… View Article
How Often Should I Train With My Puppy
- By Sydney
- Categories: Life Skills, How Dogs Learn
- May 8, 2019
Information Overload It can be intense and sometimes overwhelming learning new things. Add to that the complexity of applying your newly acquired skills to teach the puppy. In order to have fun and be effective you need a plan. How do you take the new information and skills you are learning, and create an effective… View Article