The Magic Lives In The Details 

  Hello! Is Anyone Home? We could take many lessons from dogs. How about the lesson on being present? They love it when you pay attention to them. Did you know this is a key component of good training? The difference between a great training session and mediocre one is the attention to detail. Mental presence helps create a connection with your dog. The… View Article

Minding Your Pees and Poos

Hmmm, What came first, the chicken or the egg? When you learn to toss a ball in the air you also learn to catch it. They go together the same way confinement training (a safe spot for naps, resting, and preventing unwanted behavior) and bathroom training go hand in hand. You teach them simultaneously. The… View Article

The Benefits of Working With A Dog Trainer

Shouts from the rooftops ring out across the land. We’re getting a puppy! Exciting times to be sure. The time to call the dog trainer is before the new addition comes home. A good coach will help you be ready and thinking about the right things to focus on from day one. Many dog trainers… View Article

5 Ways You May Be Stressing Out Your Puppy

1. Not providing enough structure. Structure in the form of a crate, exercise pen, baby-gate or leash is a must for a new puppy. You can not expect him to make the ‘right’ choices until teaching him what they look like. That is way too much responsibility to pile on a pup. Too much freedom… View Article

Socialization Deconstructed

“I’m So Confused” There is a great deal of confusion surrounding the term socialization and what it means for a puppy. The term comes from the description of specific stages of canine development. A pup goes through two socialization periods. In the primary socialization period they learn how to be a dog, in the human… View Article