I Sit. You Sit.

Watch Me Move Body language is the subtext for us humans but for our pups, it is their first language. They take their cues from other dog’s body postures and subtle movements as well as being masters at watching people move. We can inadvertently appear threatening to a dog by the way we move or… View Article

Watch Out For Problem Patterns

Prevent – It’s a thing Brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist helps us maintain healthy teeth and prevent gum disease. If we don’t brush our teeth one night we won’t suffer the next day. However complications may come later on in our life if we miss years of proper oral hygiene. This is the way it… View Article


A New Year As we come to the end of this year and look forward to… WAIT! (cue sound of screeching breaks). Let’s pause for a moment and consider the last sentence, specifically the words ‘look forward’. Merriam Webster’s definition of the word patience is “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering… View Article

3 Reasons To Train Your Puppy

See Me, Hear Me We all want to be heard and understood. I remember being at a workshop many years ago, can’t remember when or where, listening to Ian Dunbar (one of my heroes) tell a moving story about the sad fate of many dogs. In brief, I will recount it in my words. It’s… View Article

Make A Habit of It

Your good habits are what will determine your new pup’s behavior. Little things that you do on a regular basis can make a marked difference as the big picture unfolds. We often don’t see the benefit or the fallout from our choices until later. If you handle your pup’s nails every Wednesday and Friday, trim… View Article