Everyday Moves – Life Beyond The Classroom

The more I learn, grow and evolve in my field, the more I dislike the word ‘obedience’. It denotes subordination. Our dogs don’t owe us, if anything we owe them. I think a solid education taught without force and with plenty of positive reinforcement would be a great starting point. Lately I have been calling… View Article

Shut the Front Door!

Front door etiquette for your puppy is an important set of skills to teach early on in the game plan! And no I am not talking that malarkey about your dog having to go out the front door behind you! The doors and large windows in our homes can elicit excitement in a pup. There… View Article

Dogs will be Dogs

I have a challenge for you. For one day I want you to observe your dog, play with your dog, and work with your dog without judgment! I have a vivid childhood memory of being at my Grandparent’s place. We were celebrating a birthday for my younger sister in their beautiful back garden. My Sis… View Article

Walk This Way

Picture an ape swinging from the jungle canopy making her way from point A to point B. A pod of dolphins leaping skyward out of the water and then splashing back in again, a frog hopping or swimming through a pond. How each of these animals moves on the earth is different. Swimming, swinging, slithering,… View Article

Key to a Puppy’s Future

The majority of people turn to their veterinary team not only for the physical health of their new pup but for guidance on behavior, training and nutrition as well. How much of an impact do veterinary technicians have on a puppy’s future? They can play a significant role in determining what kind of early education people and… View Article